Pharmaceuticals in the environment – a threat to everyone
Pharmaceutical substances don’t belong in the environment, but we find them in bodies of water – in some developing countries, to a threatening extent already. One consequence: The World Health Organization (WHO) observes an increasing resistance of pathogens to antibiotics. In November 2017, N³ held a stakeholder conference on this topic as part of the national SAICM contributions. “SAICM” – the “Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management” is a global network under the direction of UNEP with the aim of making the handling of chemicals safer and identifying critical substances and applications. This is not an initiative determined solely by governments but a “multi-stakeholder approach” in which, among others, the chemical industry, environmental organizations, and trade unions participate. It is not about adopting additional binding regulations but about a globally more responsible handling of chemicals on a voluntary basis. Here you can find the results of the expert discussion on pharmaceuticals in the environment. Another SAICM stakeholder conference dealt with risks posed by construction chemicals and how to manage them.
Pharmaceuticals in the environment – a threat to everyone Read More »