

What are the implications of the European Strategy for Plastics?

What does the EU Plastics Strategy mean for the future development of plastic products, and how does it affect the world’s oceans? N³ is deeply involved in issues related to chemical and waste management policy. In light of this, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein) invited Henning Friege to deliver a lecture on the EU Plastics Strategy.

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Global Chemicals Outlook now available!

The new Global Chemicals Outlook report has been publsihed! The report’s core message is simple. As the acting executive director of UN Environment, Joyce Msuya, succinctly puts it: “We cannot live without chemicals. Nor can we live with the consequences of their bad management.” We are convinced that the Concept of Sustainable Chemistry will play a major role in future production and application of chemicals. And we are proud that we were invited to comment the report in its drafting stage. Our pesent activities focus on the interfaces between chemicals, waste, and products, especially on the legal and practical aspects. If the society wants to re-use products and to recycle waste instead of disposing used products, a clear understanding of the fate of hazardous compounds in waste is urgently needed. Please visit our download centre for further reports and publications.

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Environmental Tax Reform? Global Resource Convention?

It is really a truism: The depletion of non-renewable resources, especially rare minerals and metals, threatens our and our childrens‘ future. How to cope with resources? N³ was responsible for scientific support and recording of the European Resources Forum (ERF) and its German equivalent (Nationales Ressourcenforum – NRF) hosted by the Umweltbundesamt. About 400 experts from all the world joined the ERF (November, 26-27) and about 300 mostly German visitors joined the NRF (November, 28). Svenja Schulze, German Minister for Environmentals Affairs, opened the ERF. Topics discussed:

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Successful business trip to Ghana

The NRW delegation has recently returned from Ghana. The B2B talks, organized by N³ partner Peter Wolfmeyer on behalf of NRW International, resulted in numerous new contacts and valuable insights. The partnership between Ghana and North Rhine-Westphalia, which has been in existence for over a decade, holds significant economic potential and is set to be further developed! Ghana stands out as one of the relatively stable countries in Africa with a democratically elected government.

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Experience with Chemicals in Building Products – German Insights Beneficial for Emerging Markets

Modern buildings and contemporary building materials rely on the use of chemicals, such as adhesives, sealants, insulating materials, and screed binders. However, hazardous substances have no place indoors, and it’s crucial for craftsmen to handle construction chemicals safely. In April 2018, N³ organized a stakeholder conference on this topic as part of the national contributions to SAICM. “SAICM” – the “Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management,” is a global network led by UNEP (the United Nations Environment Programme) with the goal of enhancing the safe handling of chemicals and identifying critical substances and their applications. This is not an initiative determined solely by governments but a “multi-stakeholder approach” in which, among others, the chemical industry, environmental organizations, and trade unions participate. It is not about adopting additional binding regulations but about a globally more responsible handling of chemicals on a voluntary basis. You can find insights from the expert discussions on chemicals in building products here. Another SAICM stakeholder discussion addressed the risks associated with active pharmaceutical ingredients in the environment.

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How can we use our resources more sustainably?

Our resources are finite, and the reserves of rare metals, in particular, are depleting rapidly while the extraction costs for mineral resources are skyrocketing. Even sand is in short supply in some parts of the world. What tools do we have at our disposal to slow down the alarming rate of resource consumption? How are climate change and resource availability interconnected? How are companies across Europe implementing resource efficiency? Will digitalisation aid in resource preservation, or does it pose potential risks? On behalf of the Federal Environment Agency, N³ provided technical support for the European Resources Forum (ERF) and the National Resources Forum (NRF) in 2018. These forums feature presentations from resource management experts worldwide and offer a comprehensive summary of discussions involving over 400 participants from more than 50 countries (ERF) and over 300 participants from Germany (NRF).

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Future through industry

We are a member of the “Future through Industry” initiative. This initiative was established in the wake of the economic crisis of 2008/2009, which demonstrated that Germany fared relatively well due to its robust and innovative industrial foundation. “Future through Industry” serves as a platform for discussions, focusing, among other things, on the innovations required for sustainable development. Imagine our lives without industrial products? How do we find a balance between industrial progress and climate protection? Join the conversation! Mark your calendar for the upcoming “Long Night of Industry” on 10th October 2019.

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Sustainable waste management: potentials and business models

Innovations for a more sustainable waste management

Used textiles, waste batteries from electrical and electronic equipment, and demolition waste. The goal is to find more sustainable solutions! In a project* supported by the DBU, over a dozen companies involved in these three value chains, from waste collection to reuse or recycling, are collaboratively exploring opportunities for improvement at various stages and throughout the entire chain to enhance waste management sustainability. They are addressing challenges related to digitization, as well as opportunities and challenges arising from the legal framework and technological advancements. Where and how can these ideas be transformed into innovations? The research paper titled “What is Sustainable Waste Management?” created as part of this project can be found in the “Müll und Abfall 2018” magazine, Issue No. 10, pages 516-525. Additionally, you can download the interim status report of the project for the value chains of used textiles, waste batteries and demolition waste.

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Opportunities for the circular economy due to China’s plastic waste import ban?

The Chinese government closes its national borders to foreign plastic waste. Dr. Henning Friege was asked several times for his assessment of the possible consequences. In an interview for the website of the Council for Sustainable Development (RNE), he explains the background of these measures and their consequences for plastic waste and plastic products in Germany and Europe.

Opportunities for the circular economy due to China’s plastic waste import ban? Read More »


Pharmaceuticals in the environment – a threat to everyone

Pharmaceutical substances don’t belong in the environment, but we find them in bodies of water – in some developing countries, to a threatening extent already. One consequence: The World Health Organization (WHO) observes an increasing resistance of pathogens to antibiotics. In November 2017, N³ held a stakeholder conference on this topic as part of the national SAICM contributions. “SAICM” – the “Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management” is a global network under the direction of UNEP with the aim of making the handling of chemicals safer and identifying critical substances and applications. This is not an initiative determined solely by governments but a “multi-stakeholder approach” in which, among others, the chemical industry, environmental organizations, and trade unions participate. It is not about adopting additional binding regulations but about a globally more responsible handling of chemicals on a voluntary basis. Here you can find the results of the expert discussion on pharmaceuticals in the environment. Another SAICM stakeholder conference dealt with risks posed by construction chemicals and how to manage them.

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